• 2024年9月6日:注册报到
• 2024年9月7日:大会开幕式、主旨报告、案例经验技术专题研讨;
• 2024年9月8日:特邀专家报告、专题论坛、闭幕式;
• 2024年9月9日:学术考察或返程。
指导单位:• “一带一路”国际科学组织联盟(ANSO)
主办单位:• “一带一路”减贫与发展联盟(APRD)
主 席
李玉恒 “一带一路”减贫与发展联盟秘书长、中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所副研究员
廖和平 西南大学地理科学学院教授、联盟委员教授
Monika Stanny 波兰科学院农村与农业发展所所长、联盟共同主席
Rajendra Shresth 泰国亚洲理工学院环境、资源与发展学院院长,联盟副主席
李 茜皇冠体育官网地理科学与规划学院副院长研究员
郭远智 “一带一路”减贫与发展联盟秘书、中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所副研究员
陈宗峰 “一带一路”减贫与发展联盟秘书、中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所副研究员
冯巍仑 “一带一路”减贫与发展联盟秘书、中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所助理研究员
刘东宁 皇冠体育官网阿拉伯学院副教授
The InternationalAcademicConference onPoverty Reduction and Development
Yinchuan,NingxiaHui Autonomous Region, China; September6-9, 2024
Notification of meetings (First Round)
(June 10, 2024)
Since the Belt and Road Initiative was proposed 10 years ago, the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" has gradually shifted from a Chinese initiative to an international practice, transforming from concept to action and from vision to reality. It has provided a practical platform for building a community with a shared future for mankind and has made significant contributions to the healthy development of economic globalization, addressing global development challenges, and improving the global governance system.
On November 4th, 2018,the Alliance of National and InternationalScience Organizations for the Belt and Road Regions(ANSO)was established. It has played an important role in strengthening the alignment of science and technology innovation policies and development strategies, conducting major scientific and technological cooperation, cultivating talents for innovation and entrepreneurship, and enhancing the capacity for scientific and technological innovation. ANSO has also made positive contributions to sustainable economic and social development, propelling the construction of the Green Silk Road and the Innovation Silk Road, and working towards the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.
On June 22nd,2020, the Alliance of Poverty Reduction and Development (APRD) was funded by ANSO.ANSO-APRD aims to build a community of shared future for mankind,promote collaborations and academic exchanges in the fields of poverty reductionand sustainable development, establish international cooperation teams and experimental bases, andprovide intellectual support for advancing sustainable poverty reduction and development in the "Belt and Road" region.
ANSO-APRD has set up "Poverty Reduction and Development Demonstration Zones" in Lincang City, Yunnan Province, and Yanchi County, Ningxia, China.
To further advance the research demonstration work of ANSO-APRD, collate the latest scientific and technological achievements and practical models, and promote the high-quality development of "The Belt and Road", we hereby decide to organize the international academic conference of APRDin 2024. We sincerely welcome all experts to attend the meeting!
Promoting Poverty Reduction and Prosperity • Sharing Opportunities for Development
(2)Date andPlace
Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China, September6-9, 2024
(3)Key Topics ofdiscussion for Parallel Sessions
The conference will featureplenarysessionsand severalparallelsessions. Discussions will focus on key topics related to poverty reduction and development within the "Belt and Road" initiative, includingpoverty reductionin cultural andeducationalundertakings,poverty reductionand environmental health,regional and country-specific poverty reduction and resilience, common prosperity, and harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.
•September6, 2024:Registration
•September7, 2024:Opening Session, Plenary Sessions, Technical Symposium on
Case Experiences
•September8, 2024:Invited Session,ParallelSessions,ClosingSession
•September9, 2024 :Post-Congress Field Trips &Excursions or Departure
(5)Conference Organizing Committee
• Alliance of National and InternationalScience Organizations for the Belt and Road Regions(ANSO)
• International Geographical Union(IGU)
•ANSOAlliance of Poverty Reduction and Development(ANSO-APRD)
•IGUCommission on Agricultural Geography and Land Engineering(IGU-AGLE)
• Ningxia University
•Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research(IGSNRR),CAS
•School of Geographyand Planning, Ningxia University
•School of ArabicStudies, Ningxia University
•People's Government of Yanchi County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
•Rural Planning and Governance Engineering Technology Innovation Center, MNR
(6)Conference Organizing Committee
Conference Chairs:
Liu YansuiFellow ofThe World Academy of Sciences (TWAS),Chair of IGU-AGLE,Chair of ANSO-APRD, and Professorof IGSNRR,CAS.
Wang Zhongjing Thestandingcommittee member of the Party Committee andvicepresident of Ningxia University.
Niu Xinchun Executivedeanand professor of theSchool of ArabicStudies, Ningxia University.
Executive Chairs:
Liu XiaopengThe deputydirector of China Development Geography Specialty Committee,the deanof theSchool of Geography and Planning,Ningxia University andexecutivedeputydirector of the Department of Engineering and Geography.
Li Yuheng Professorof Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resources Research, CAS,Secretary-Generalof IGU-AGLE and Secretary-General of ANSO-APRD.
Li Yurui Professorof Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resources Research, CAS.
Feng LuluPartysecretary and professor of theSchool of ArabicStudies, Ningxia University.
Liao Heping Professorof theSchool of Geographic Sciences, Southwest University, member of ANSO-APRD.
Monika Stanny Director of the Institute for Rural and Agricultural Development of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Co-Chair of ANSO-APRD.
Rajendra Shresth The deanofSchool of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, Vice Chairman of ANSO-APRD.
Li QianDeputydean and professorof the School of Geography and Planning, Ningxia University.
Guo Yuanzhi AssociateProfessorof Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resources Research, CASand secretary of ANSO-APRD.
Chen Zongfeng AssociateProfessorof Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resources Research, CASand secretary of ANSO-APRD.
Feng Weilun AssistantProfessorof Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resources Research, CASand secretary of ANSO-APRD.
Liu DongningAssociate professorof theSchool of ArabicStudies, Ningxia University.
(7)Conference Registration
• Registration fee:Full Delegate,1800 CNY;Student, 1200 CNY. The conference registration fee will be paid on-site.The fee covers conference materials, venue rental, and coffee breaks. Meals, lodging, and travel are not included.
•Email for conference registration:nxdxwp24@nxu.edu.cn.
•Detailsof registration fee collection and post-conference excursionswill be provided in the second round notice.The registration fee invoice will be issued after the conference check-in.
• We kindly request overseas participants to complete their registration byAugust10, 2024, and to send the registration receipt to the email(nxdxwp24@nxu.edu.cn). The registration fee can be paid onsite on September6, 2024.
•Participants are responsible for their own international/domestic travel and accommodation expenses. Meals and lodging will be arranged by the conference organizers.
•Scholars interested in participating in the conference are kindly requested to send the Attendance Confirmation Form, along with the paper title and abstract.
•Post-conference academicexcursions are optional and self-funded.They will be organized and charged by the conference service company.
(8)Call for Papers
Experts, scholars, and graduate students in related fields arewelcome to submit paper abstracts. The organizing committee will evaluate abstracts and invite authors to present in oral or poster sessions. Certificates will be awarded for particularly excellent submissions. Submissions without paid registration will not be considered.
Topics for submission include, but are not limited to:Chinese poverty reduction models and experiences, global poverty reduction,and sustainable development.
Abstracts Submission:
1) Contributions must not have been published in other publications.
2) Please note that all submissions should be in English(not exceeding300 words, including title and co-authors,affiliation,andemail). Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest in the manuscript.
3) Please send the Attendance Confirmation Form, along with the paper title and abstract,as a Word document attachment to the provided email(Email:nxdxwp24@nxu.edu.cn)
4)Deadline forsubmission: August 10,2024.
To encourage and support young scholars (teachers and graduate students under 35) to participate in the conference, we will select outstanding presentations by young researchers.
Welcome to register and attend the conference!
(9)Conference Secretariat
Dr.Wang Peng,Email:nxdxwp24@nxu.edu.cn; Phone:+86-13723301431
Dr.Su Xianbao,Email:suxb24@nxu.edu.cn; Phone:+86-15095389721